
Photography is a passion at Cox Group. Recent years have brought about new techology in the art of photography, and our staff continues to stay up to date on the latest trends and techniques. We have a variety of experience in several industries including outdoor and niche sports, tradeshows and events, and product photography. Years…

Media Tracking

Cox Report is a comprehensive summary of all media exposure for a particular angler in a tournament season. All year long, Cox Group tracks and gathers media exposure from Internet articles, banner ads, magazine, newspapers and television. After organizing the information, we calculate the exposure per media category and sum it up for the entire…

Web Design & Management

There is much more to Web site design than in years past, with moving parts that didn’t exist even five years ago. Cox Group’s strength lies in building sites that are user-friendly and easily updated. Incorporating fresh content is one piece of the puzzle when it comes to search engine optimization, but new trends are…